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Learn where to go if you got dumped from Jimmy Rox.

Miley really said buy yourself those damn flowers. If dumped, here's where to go.

I hate to say it, but getting dumped can be a blessing in disguise. You should be attracting, not chasing. With that being said, you’re in a place in your life where you’re rediscovering who you are as a person – what makes you truly f*cking happy.

In this guide I’ve rounded up where to go if dumped – places where you will push yourself out of your comfort zone, try something new, meet new people and gain a whole new perspective that can lead your life in a totally different direction.

…and even if you haven’t been dumped, you can still have a lot of fun at these destinations too :)

The Bahamas is where to go if you got dumped and want love from animals.

Italy is where to go if you got dumped and need an eat, pray, love moment.

Curacao is where to go if you got dumped and want to be flirted with all day long.

Los Angeles is where to go if you got dumped and want to be someone else.

A Virgin Voyages cruise is where to go if you got dumped and need an all inclusive holiday.

Iceland is where to go if you got dumped and want to get lost from it all.

You ex is where you should not go if you got dumped. You deserve better.

Which destination are you heading to first? Feel free to forward this to a friend…even an ex?!

Be good,


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