We're chasing waterfalls in the serene Hoh Rainforest.
Hoh Rainforest (pronounced 'Ho') is giving big Harry Potter Forbidden Forest vibes (but without any mythical creatures). Spanning over 10,000 acres alongside the Hoh River, this temperate rainforest covered in moss captures an element of surrealism where pictures just don't do it justice.
It was one of my favorite stops on my Pacific Northwest road trip last Summer, which is located about 4 hours from Seattle. Here's my deep dive on some WTF crazy facts and what to expect when you set out to explore Washington's best rainforest to hike and explore…

It's 1 of 4 temperate rainforests on the Olympic Peninsula.
There are no stupid questions here – so here's what you need to know about temperate rainforests…they're woodland with mild temperatures and receive heavy rainfall, filled with many types of trees. Tropical rainforests usually have predominantly one type of tree.
Unlike the others on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, Hoh Rainforest is the only one that has the distinction of being a World Heritage Site and a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. It is one of the most protected rainforests in the Northern Hemisphere and for good reason! No wonder it is Washington's best rainforest!
Hoh Rainforest receives over 12 feet of rain a year.
That's a lot of f*cking rain. I wonder if Hilary Duff was talking about this rainforest when she sang “let the rain fall down”. The rainfall really does add to the magic of this place to help create the lush greenery. While it didn't rain during my visit, there was moisture in the air so plan accordingly and wear layers.

Plant lovers unite – there are over 130 species of mosses, lichens and ferns.
Hoh Rainforest feels like one big, real-life science project. What's unique about here vs. other parks around the country is the plant life blankets everything, literally. You'll walk across moss-covered trails with tree-top canopies creating a cool and shady atmosphere.

Roosevelt Elk are the largest subspecies of elk in North America.
Because of all of the booming scenery and plants, the rainforest attracts wildlife that isn't shy so be careful. Blending into the background, we had a run in on the trail with a herd of about 20 of the males. Olympic National Park is home to the biggest unmanaged herd of Roosevelt Elk. Let's hope one doesn't fall on you because they can weigh up to about 1,200 pounds!
Western Hemlock Tree can grow up to 300 feet tall and 7 feet in diameter.
The Western Hemlock Tree (AKA Washington's official state tree) is one of several types found here. Others include the Sitka Spruce, Western Red Cedar and Douglas Fir. They're literally giant, so you can't miss them.

Moss is magical AF and Washington's best rainforest has a ton of it.
Who knew moss could be so influential? It has this magical presence throughout the park, especially in the Hall of Mosses which is a shorter trail that is more guided. Sections are roped off to preserve the curvy, moss-covered trees.
I'll leave you with a fun fact: moss is an epiphyte, which is a plant that grows on another plant without hurting it. The opposite of this is a parasite. They live and get nutrients from the air, rain, fog and even debris that is all around them.

Be good,
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